As you may have seen in our Deceptor page, we've listed a number of China-based software monetizers who are distributing their apps globally.
We see an opportunity to help China's software monetizers figure out clean ways to distribute their software world-wide. Our goal is that when they want to take their products to a global market, part of their process is to get certified first. This would save them the hassle of going through a Deceptor set of detections and then cleaning up.
Therefore, we announced at the 5th China Cyber Security Conference this week that we'll be publishing our App Certification Requirements in Chinese. We'll also devote some publicity to letting China's software monetizers know that we can help them get their apps right before the launch. We're hoping that by doing this, we'll save consumers (and the software monetizers) a lot of headaches.
I've attached an excerpt of the presentation I gave at the conference. Check out the second to last slide for the Chinese vendor offer.
Here I am with Christine, my translator. Jesse Song, the conference's organizer, realized that we needed to translate Deceptor, so he worked with Hong to come up with something. I think it ended up being called "cheating software" in Chinese. We'll have to come up with another catchy logo...