We've abandoned our office and fled to our homes. We're washing our hands, searching for online delivery services, and wiping down the incoming packages. We're figuring out how to spend all day on Teams and Zoom and Skype and Hangouts without getting massive backaches. And with all this chaos, we're taking a moment to celebrate our fourth birthday.

Back in 2016, who ever thought a tiny self-funded startup would be able to drive such a big impact in the quality of consumer apps? But we figured it out, and consumers everywhere are safer, thanks to the combined efforts of the vendors who make the certified apps and the AVs who protect consumers from unwanted software. Thank you so much for working with us to improve the computing experience of billions of consumers around the world.
Over the past year we also rolled out our very own browser extension. Blur.live automatically blurs ads as well as deceptive search results. Please check it out here -- we hope you'll fall in love with it.
Like the rest of the world, we've been thinking a lot about how this crazy coronavirus will impact our company's future. If you had asked us two months ago, we would have said that we thought we were almost done with the fight against Windows-based Deceptors. But then this virus went global, and many people went from their workplaces and schools to spend time at home... in front of their computers... without getting computer support from their nephews, neighbors, and the local computer store. The bad guys woke up; Deceptors that once had gone away rose up like zombies; and many apps and services were offered by emboldened and unscrupulous affiliates. Suddenly consumers were getting tricked and cheated and scared like it was early 2016. We realized that the best way we could help the world cope with its biological virus was to double down on our Deceptor hunting and increase our monitoring of the apps that we certify. We've made these priority adjustments, and we think that together with the vendors and the AVs, we'll quickly get this industry back on track.
And while we're cleaning up the software monetization space, we'll also increase distribution of Blur.live so we can help keep more consumers safe. By the time we turn five, we'll have an Android version available. We'll work hard to keep you, and all the other consumers around the world, safe from unwanted and deceptive software.
And maybe, just maybe, we'll get to see our offices again. Can't wait for that day!